Improved quotation system 改進的報價系統
2019/9/1 · 顯示原始文本 translated automatically
Improved quotation system
This sprint we made many changes to the quotatiuon system, which allows sales agents to easily generate custom quoters for retail or wholesale product to be sent to their customers
- added the logo to the e-wallet- enabled to register and login ferom the product card
- added filters to general information list
- added filters to requests list
- show available balance in the e-wallet
- in quotation system, show product pictures and links to the pictures
- in quotation system, add ability to save and restore filter
- in quotation system add ability to generate excel so that user can send it easily to their poitentiual customer
- in quotation system enable user to select which columns they would like to include in the generated excel file
此衝刺 (sprint) 我們對配額系統進行了許多更改,使銷售代理能夠輕鬆地生成自訂報價器,以便將零售或批發產品發送給其客戶
- 將xe.com徽標添加到電子錢包- 能夠註冊和登錄產品卡
- 將篩選器添加到常規資訊清單中
- 向請求清單添加篩選器
- 在電子錢包中顯示可用餘額
- 在報價系統中,顯示產品圖片和圖片連結
- 在報價系統中,增加保存和恢復篩檢程式的能力
- 在報價系統中添加生成 Excel 的能力,以便使用者可以輕鬆地將其發送給其客戶
- 在報價系統中,使用者可以選擇要包含在生成的 Excel 檔中的列