A pretty big sprint, Oziway.TV is born , but still in development phase (update 96) 一個相當大的衝刺, Oziway.TV 誕生了, 但仍然處於開發階段 (更新 96)
Oziway.tv is launched (still in development phase)
This site is similar to Oziway.com in that users can post their own items
The difference is that these items, can be NEWS items, not related to ecommerce
The news items can be unrelated to ecommerce, OR they can talk about products and then link to those products, magnifying the SEO efforts of the seller or promoter
What's important is that the news items are automatically translated into 40 languages, therefore being available to almost every human on earth, because only about 20% of the world speaks in the English language
- OP-2196, Error while viewing an attachment (documents uploaded by the seller, visible on the Seller description tab)- OP-2277, Related to Database structure change
- OP-2306, product search doesn’t work in the dashboard, website edit module
- OP-2345, Clean up entries in the automatic translation texts database
- OP-2302, add Oziway.tv to list of available websites
- OP-2318, Add TV icon for oziway.tv
- OP-2336, Hide some tabs on Oziway.tv. Seller (or author) details must be hidden
- OP-2338, Check Proxy server errors
- OP-2340, New menu items on oziway.tv
- OP-2343, Author details must be hidden on the news item page
- OP-2347, Product link from a store language that is not default, doesn’t display properly. Fix it
- OP-2348, SMTP change authentication method
- OP-2354, Script that changes
- OP-2355, Corrected some translation texts
- OP-2356, News item should not have a button to add to basket
- OP-2359, when fixing the URL, News items must be treated differently than products
- OP-2361, -
- OP-2363, Fix the TV icon and add oziway.tv to the footer
- OP-2261, Sitemaps
Sprint 96 (22/02-28/02)
一個相當大的衝刺, Oziway.TV 誕生了, 但仍然處於開發階段 (更新 96)
Oziway.tv 啟動(仍處於開發階段)
這個網站類似於 Oziway.com,因為使用者可以發佈自己的專案
- OP-2196,查看附件時的錯誤(賣方上傳的檔案,在賣方描述選項卡上可見)- OP-2277,與資料庫結構變化有關
- OP-2345,清理自動翻譯文本資料庫中的條目
- OP-2302,在可用網站清單中添加 Oziway.tv
-OP-2318,為 oziway.tv 添加電視圖示
-OP-2336,在 Oziway.tv 上隱藏一些標籤。賣家(或作者)詳細信息必須隱藏
-OP-2340,oziway.tv 的新功能表項
- OP-2343,作者詳細資訊必須隱藏在新聞項目頁面上
- OP-2348,SMTP更改身份驗證方法
- OP-2359,修復網址時,必須區別對待新聞專案
-OP-2363,修復電視圖示,並將 oziway.tv 添加到腳
衝刺 96 (22/02-28/02)