How to create a custom offer of wholesale Products
How to make a custom quotation with special prices for a customer
The Oziway system allows you to prepare special prices and send them to the customer
You will also be able to see, if the customer opened the quotation
The Oziway quotation system makes it very easy to send offers to clients, because no attachments or documents need to be sent / just a link to the Oziway page which contains the quotation with special prices that you will prepare for the customer
Remember, that you can prepare quotations only for products that are in your webshop (Promoter webshop)
First, login to the system and go to your dashboard
如何為客戶製作具有特殊價格的定制報價Oziway 系統允許您準備特價,並將其發送給客戶
Oziway 報價系統使向客戶發送報價變得非常容易,因為無需發送附件或文檔/僅指向 Oziway 頁面的連結,該頁面包含您為客戶準備的特殊報價
When you login, you will see the dashboard. You need to go to Promoter->My Offers. Because there is a lot of information on the screen, it will be easier to click on Toggle Full Screen, to open the table of available products in a full window 登錄時,您將看到儀表板。您需要轉到"促銷員"@我的優惠。由於螢幕上有很多資訊,因此按一下"切換全屏"將更容易,才能在完整視窗中打開可用產品的表 顯示原始文本 translated automatically
Now, the full window shows all the information needed to make an individual quotation. Choose your products, and choose the columns which should be included in the quotation.
Here you can also choose to send the Custom Price column, where you can enter the special price for each of the chosen products, for that customer. This custom price will not be visible anywhere in the system by other users, only to the customer that receives your quotation.
A very interesting part of the table (maybe for your information, not for sending to customers) is how many times each of the products has been viewed in other countries, and in those countries how many Promoters are actively promoting the product in their webshops. Once you have chosen the products, start entering the details of the offer at the bottom of the window 現在,完整視窗顯示製作單個報價單所需的所有資訊。選擇您的產品,並選擇應包含在報價單中的列。
表格中一個非常有趣的部分(也許是為了您的資訊,而不是發送給客戶)是,在其他國家/地區,每個產品被流覽了多少次,在這些國家中,有多少促銷員正在他們的網上商店中積極推廣該產品。選擇產品後,開始在視窗底部輸入產品的詳細資訊 顯示原始文本 translated automatically
You can enter the quotation name, the date of validity of the quotation (after that date it will not be available to your customers anymore). You can also enter the customers email, so that the offer will be available only to that customer once they login with the email address into the Oziway system.
If you do not enter anything in the email box, the offer will be available to anyone with the link to the quotation.
You can also enter additional information that will be displayed above the table, this information can include text about payment conditions, delivery arrangements or any other information that you need to include. You can enter anything you want here, because it is just a text window.
您可以輸入報價單名稱、報價單的有效期(該日期之後,客戶將不再提供報價單)。您還可以輸入客戶電子郵件,以便該客戶只有在使用電子郵件地址登錄 Oziway 系統後才能使用該產品/服務。
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The above screenshot shows the quotation window with the email address entered, so only the customer using that email address will have access to the quotation. The below window shows the same quotation window without any email address entered. It will be available to anyone with the link to the quotation. 上面的螢幕截圖顯示了輸入的電子郵件地址的報價視窗,因此只有使用該電子郵件地址的客戶才能訪問報價單。下面的視窗顯示相同的報價視窗,不輸入任何電子郵件地址。任何具有報價連結的人都可以使用。 顯示原始文本 translated automatically
If all the information has been supplied, click on the Compose button on the bottom of the screen. The quotation will be prepared. You will see it on the bottom of the page in the list of available quotations. You can preview it, or copy the link and then send that link to your customer via email, wechat, whatsapp, sms or any other way that you like 如果已提供所有資訊,請單擊螢幕底部的"撰寫"按鈕。報價將編製。您將在可用報價單清單中的頁面底部看到它。您可以預覽它,或複製連結,然後透過電子郵件、微信、whatsapp、簡訊或任何其他你喜歡的方式將該連結發送給您的客戶 顯示原始文本 translated automatically
When the customer receives the link and clicks on it, it will appear to them like in the example below 當客戶收到連結並按一下連結時,它們就會像下面的示例一樣顯示連結 顯示原始文本 translated automatically
下面您將找到關於不同主題的有趣文章 - 如何開始推廣: 點選此處的連結 - 以複製樣本建立網站:點選此處的連結 - 如何開始銷售: 點選此處的連結 - 如何透過電子郵件新增產品: 點選此處的連結 - Oziway 擁有網站的所有國家/地區的清單: 點選此處的連結 - 一般說明科 : 點選此處的連結 - Oziway 系統的工作原理 : 點選此處的連結 - 能賺多少錢: 點選此處的連結 - 常見問題解答(常見問題): 點選此處的連結 - 如何選擇特定的賣家優惠: 點選此處的連結 - 如何發佈批發產品:點選此處的連結 - 如何從批發產品建立自訂產品:點選此處的連結 - 所有類別的清單(您可以在透過電子郵件發佈產品時使用這個選項:點選此處的連結 - 如何修改您網站上的產品(在註冊期間收到預設網站後):點選此處的連結 - 如果未找到要查找的,如何加入請求:點選此處的連結 - 如何安全地從中國進口: 點選此處的連結您想閱讀有關 Oziway 平臺的更多有趣文章嗎?