General Information
Generations of babies have been nurtured on our infant formulas. The S-26 Original range is trusted by mums and provides ingredients to help support physical growth and development.
S-26 ORIGINAL NEWBORN has been developed to provide a nutritionally complete start for babies from birth. The ingredients contained in S-26 ORIGINAL NEWBORN help support a baby's immune system as well as aid their digestion. As your baby grows, consult your healthcare professional regarding transitioning your baby from Step 1 to Step 2.
S-26 ORIGINAL NEWBORN protein source is non-fat cow's milk and reduced mineral whey.
Contains milk and soy.
Breast milk is best for babies. Before you decide to use this product, consult your doctor or Health worker for advice.
Follow 'How to Prepare' instructions on pack.
'Feeding Guide' is available on pack. Note that your baby may need more or less than indicated.
Ideally formula should be prepared just prior to feeding, otherwise refrigerate prepared formula and use within 24 hours.
Solid food should be offered to your baby from 6 months.
As your baby grows, consult your healthcare professional regarding moving from Step 1 to Step 2 formula.
Store can in a cool, dry place (e.g. pantry). 一般資訊
一代又一代的嬰兒都在我們的嬰兒配方奶粉上得到了培育。S-26 原始系列值得媽媽們信賴, 並提供有助於支援身體生長和發展的成分。
S-26 原裝 NEWBORN 已經開發出來, 為嬰兒從出生起就有一個營養完整的開始。S-26 原裝 NEW臥本中含有的成分有助於支援嬰兒的免疫系統, 並説明他們消化。隨著寶寶的成長, 請諮詢您的醫療保健專業人員, 瞭解將您的寶寶從步驟1過渡到步驟2的問題。
S-26 原裝 newborn 蛋白來源為無肥牛奶和減少礦物質乳清。
母乳對嬰兒最有利。在您決定使用本產品之前, 請諮詢您的醫生或健康工作者的建議。
按照包裝上的 "如何準備" 說明進行操作。
包裝上提供 "餵養指南"。請注意, 您的寶寶可能需要的更多或更少。
理想情況下, 配方應在餵料前準備, 否則應冷藏製備的配方, 並在24小時內使用。
從6個月起, 應向您的寶寶提供固體食物。
隨著寶寶的成長, 請諮詢您的醫療保健專業人員, 瞭解從第1步轉移到第2步配方奶粉的事宜。
可以存放在陰涼乾燥的地方 (如廚房)。 顯示原始文本 translated automatically