注意:由於平臺增長非常迅速,我們無法手動翻譯平臺的整個內容。 內容以英文輸入並自動翻譯。 如果文本中由於自動翻譯而出現錯誤,我們深表歉意。 由於我們正在努力説明不斷增長的國際社區 Oziway 使用者,我們認為,向許多人提供多種語言的內容比省略許多人更為重要,至少以一種大多數正確的方式(即使它有錯誤)。"。我們將嘗試修復最明顯的翻譯錯誤。
How to Promote on Oziway?
顯示原始文本 translated automatically 1. 您需要登錄奧齊威。打開 Oziway 頁面(oziway.com或您所在的國家/地區 Oziway 頁面)。 2. 你需要在奧西威有一個帳戶。按下導航列上的「登錄」,然後按下「登錄」或「創建帳戶」(如果您尚未註冊)
在澳大利亞,Oziway 網頁在這裡 - https://oziway.com.au
在中國,Oziway 網頁在這裡 - https://oziway.com.cn
在俄羅斯,Oziway 網頁在這裡 - https://oziway.ru
在美國,Oziway 網頁在這裡 - https://oziway.us
Oziway 網站現在在許多國家都可進行,對於完整的清單,請造訪我們的 國家名單
3. 輸入您註冊的帳戶 ID(這是您的電子郵件地址)和密碼
4. 用戶儀錶板將顯示在螢幕上。頂部的 4 個重要功能表是:Oziway 電子錢包應用程式所在的我的帳戶、打開"消息"應用程式的資訊功能表(您可以在其中與客戶和其他使用者聊天,您可以在其中添加產品並查看誰訂購了您的專案,以及促銷員功能表,作為促銷員,您可以設置免費的 Oziway 網站,您將開始推廣該網站以賺取傭金
5. From the menu Promoter, click on the link to Edit Shop. The window where you can change the address of your Oziway website, how the Oziway website looks and what your Oziway website contains, will open. It is a very important part of the system so we will spend a lot of time playing with all the options here
5. 從菜單"促銷器"中,按一下指向"編輯商店"的連結。您可以更改 Oziway 網站位址的視窗、Oziway 網站的外觀以及您的 Oziway 網站包含的內容,將打開。它是系統非常重要的一部分,所以我們將花費大量時間在這裡玩所有選項
顯示原始文本 translated automatically6. Before we start any modifications, let’s look at an amazing function that you can use to instantly have a website copied from an existing one. If you have a Website code, you can use it go generate your own website which is a copy of another website identified by that code. Scroll down to the bottom of the General Settings Tab of the page
6. 在我們開始任何修改之前,讓我們來看看一個驚人的功能,您可以使用它立即複製一個網站從現有的。如果你有一個網站代碼,你可以使用它去生成自己的網站,這是該代碼標識的另一個網站的副本。向下捲軸到頁面的一般設定選項卡的底部
顯示原始文本 translated automaticallySimply enter the code into the section called [ Creating a predefined website from the code ] and click CREATE. You can use codes from existing shops, like a Dietary Supplement shop (code OBlGmUW23gjD7N0nrUAH or Antivirus Protection shop (code IqfyOJxeRWUjIQVjkWEb) and you will have a similar website instantly
A list of codes (and the list is growing) can be found here: Website Codes
7. Lets assume that you want to setup your website exactly as you want it. Open the first page tab (General Settings), here you will find
8. Choose whether the shop is active or not (by default its active). You can always deactivate the shop
9. Enter the Name of your website, this name will determine the address that you will promote the domain for your country. As an example, a shop with the name Super Clothing Boutique from China will have an address https://oziway.com.cn/me/super-clothing-boutique/. Click to see how an example store looks like for our demo Australian user, https://oziway.com.au/me/demo-shop/
10. Choose the Country where you want to promote, this by default is the country where you live. If you choose China for example, the address of your online shop will start with https://oziway.com.cn/
只需將代碼輸入名為 「從代碼創建預定義網站」 的部分中,然後單擊"創建」。。您可以使用現有商店的代碼,如膳食補充劑商店(代碼) OBlGmUW23gjD7N0nrUAH 或防病毒保護商店(代碼 IqfyOJxeRWUjIQVjkWEb),您將有一個類似的網站立即
7. 假設您要完全按照所需方式設置網站。開啟第一頁選項卡(一般設定),在這裡您將找到
8.選擇商店是否處於活動狀態 (預設情況下是其活動狀態)。您可以隨時關閉商店
9. 輸入您的網站名稱,此名稱將確定您將為您所在國家/地區推廣域名的位址。例如,一家名稱為「商店」的商店Super Clothing Boutique 來自中國將有一個位址 https://oziway.com.cn/me/super-clothing-boutique/。按兩下以查看我們的演示澳大利亞使用者的示例商店的外觀, https://oziway.com.au/me/demo-shop/
10. 選擇您要推廣的國家/地區,默認情況下是您居住的國家/地區。例如,如果您選擇中國,則您的在線商店的位址將以 https://oziway.com.cn/ 開頭
顯示原始文本 translated automatically11. If you don’t choose any country (there is a blank option on the beginning of the list of countries) then you will have the possibility to promote your shop in every country, have a look at these demo stores:
Australia: https://oziway.com.au/me/demo-shop/
China: https://oziway.com.cn/me/demo-shop/
Colombia: https://oziway.com.co/me/demo-shop/
France: https://oziway.fr/me/demo-shop/
Germany: https://oziway.de/me/demo-shop/
India: https://oziway.in/me/demo-shop/
Russia: https://oziway.ru/me/demo-shop/
USA: https://oziway.us/me/demo-shop/
And many others…
12. Optionally Enter your phone number which potential customers might call to ask questions about the products you promote. Don’t worry you don’t have to sell or send anything, just give advice to users who might have questions about products within categories that you are familiar with
13. Optionally enter your email address, this will also be visible in your Oziway website
14. Enter a marketing slogan which will appear on the banner of your shop
15. Enter the important message, which will appear below the banner, and above all the featured products, in a frame for people to read
16. Now a section for Promotional messages that are used by the free mobile app, called Oziway Network , this application helps to automate your promotional efforts
17. Message subject (for your shop). Using the mobile application Oziway Network, when you send a message with a link to your shop, the subject will automatically be set to this
18. Marketing subject (for a product) - Using the mobile application Oziway Network, when you send a message with a link to a specific product, the subject will automatically be set to this
19. Marketing text (for a product). Using the mobile application Oziway Network, when you send a message with a link to a product, the body text will automatically be set to this
20. Click [Save]. To save these settings on the General Settings Tab , and lets click on Graphic Settings
11. 如果您沒有選擇任何國家/地區(國家/地區列表的開頭有一個空白選項),那麼您有可能在每個國家/地區推廣您的商店,請查看這些演示商店:
Australia: https://oziway.com.au/me/demo-shop/
China: https://oziway.com.cn/me/demo-shop/
Colombia: https://oziway.com.co/me/demo-shop/
France: https://oziway.fr/me/demo-shop/
Germany: https://oziway.de/me/demo-shop/
India: https://oziway.in/me/demo-shop/
Russia: https://oziway.ru/me/demo-shop/
USA: https://oziway.us/me/demo-shop/
12. 可選輸入潛在客戶可能撥打的電話號碼,詢問有關您推廣的產品的問題。不要擔心您不必出售或發送任何東西,只需向可能對您熟悉的類別中的產品有疑問的使用者提供建議
13. 選擇輸入您的電子郵件地址,這也會在您的 Oziway 網站上看到
14. 輸入將顯示在商店橫幅上的行銷口號
15. 輸入重要資訊,該消息將顯示在橫幅下方,最重要的是特色產品,在框架中供人們閱讀
16. 現在,免費移動應用程式(稱為 Oziway Network)使用的促銷訊息部分,此應用程式有助於自動執行您的促銷工作
17. 消息主題(為您的商店使用)。使用移動應用程式 Oziway 網路,當您發送帶有指向商店的連結的消息時,主題將自動設置為
18. 行銷主題(對於產品) - 使用移動應用程式 Oziway 網路,當您發送帶有特定產品連結的消息時,該主題將自動設定為
19. 行銷文本(針對產品)。使用移動應用程式 Oziway 網路,當您發送包含產品連結的消息時,正文文字將自動設定為
20. 按下 [保存]。要將這些設置保存在"常規設置"選項卡上,請單擊"圖形設置"
顯示原始文本 translated automatically21. How the products will be displayed on your website. As Tiles, a List or a Table. Default is tiles
22. Choose your website logo – you can use one of Oziway available logos, or upload your own. This is the profile picture of your website
23. Choose your background– you can use one of Oziway available backgrounds, or upload your own. If you want to upload your own background picture, use a picture with dimensions 1198 x 384 Pixels
21. 產品將如何顯示在您的網站上。作為磁貼、清單或表。預設值為磁貼
22. 選擇您的網站徽標 - 您可以使用 Oziway 可用的徽標之一,或上傳您自己的徽標。這是您的網站的個人資料圖片
23. 選擇您的背景* 您可以使用 Oziway 可用背景之一,或上傳您自己的背景。如果要上傳自己的背景圖片,請使用尺寸為 1198 x 384 像素的圖片
顯示原始文本 translated automatically24. Click [Save]. To save these settings on the Graphical Settings tab , and lets click on Content Settings
24. 按下 [保存]。要將這些設置保存在"圖形設置"選項卡上,請單擊"內容設置"
顯示原始文本 translated automatically25. This is the most important part of setting up your website. Here you decide what your website contains. You can choose the entire portfolio of a seller, or choose entire categories of products, or choose specific products to promote
26. Below, lets see the two options that allow you to Choose Categories or individual offers Choose categories, and then select whole categories to feature on the website, or Choose Offers and then search for products to add to your website
25. 這是設置網站的最重要部分。在這裡,您可以決定您的網站包含的內容。您可以選擇賣方的整個產品群組,或選擇整個產品類別,或選擇特定產品進行促銷
26. 下面,讓我們看看兩個選項,允許您選擇類別或個別產品選擇類別,然後選擇整個類別在網站上功能,或選擇優惠,然後搜索產品添加到您的網站
顯示原始文本 translated automatically27. By choosing Offers in the [ Filter Content By ] section, you can add individual products into your website. You can search for those products using two methods, in the Content Section (there is a search mechanism), or on the Oziway website , if you open the Product card, there will be a ADD TO WEBSITE button if you are logged in
28. Below, on the left is a screenshot of adding products ni the Content Section of Edit Website, and on the right is a Product Card which allows to add it to your website if you are logged in
27. 通過在 [篩選內容到 ] 部分中選擇"優惠",您可以將單個產品添加到您的網站中。 您可以使用兩種方法(在內容部分(有搜尋機制)或在 Oziway 網站上搜尋這些產品,如果您打開產品卡,則如果您登錄了「新增 TO」網站按鈕
28. 下面,左側是添加產品 ni 編輯網站內容部分的螢幕截圖,右側是產品卡,允許您在登錄時將其添加到您的網站
顯示原始文本 translated automatically29. When you have added your individually selected products, you can sort them as required, by clicking on the Products SEQUENCE column and dragging it up or down, as on the picture below. Remember to click SAVE after changing the sequence of your products
29. 添加單獨選擇的產品后,可以通過單擊"產品序列"列並將其向上或向下拖動來根據需要對其進行排序,如下圖所示。更改產品順序後,請記住單擊"保存"
顯示原始文本 translated automatically30. After you have finished choosing the products in your shop, you can add additional Sections in your shop, that display RECENTLY ADDED products, POPULAR products, or RANDOM products. These sections allow you to display additional content which will generate more commission if someone decides to buy any item displayed in your shop, even from those Recently added, popular or random offers
31. last section allows you to ban specific sellers from your website, if you have bad experience with someone. For example a product was sold by a Seller but he said that there was no transaction and he didn’t pay any commission. We try to resolve such disputes, but additionally you can ban his offers which will take effect of you choose entire categories to be displayed on your website
30. 在您選擇完店內的產品後,您可以在商店中添加其他分區,顯示最近添加的產品、POPULAR 產品或 RANDOM 產品。這些部分允許您顯示其他內容,如果有人決定購買您商店中顯示的任何商品,甚至從那些最近添加的、熱門或隨機的優惠中,這些內容會產生更多的傭金
31. 最後一部分允許您禁止特定賣家從您的網站,如果你有不好的經驗與某人。例如,賣方銷售了一款產品,但他說沒有交易,他沒有支付任何傭金。我們試圖解決此類爭議,但另外您可以禁止他的報價,這將生效,你選擇整個類別顯示在您的網站
顯示原始文本 translated automatically32. The last option that yon use to choose Products is to choose a Seller and then user his email address to promote the entire portfolio in your store, irrespective of the Product categories. On the top of the window in the [Filter Content By] choose Sellers and below, enter the Sellers email address
32. yon 選擇產品的最後一個選項是選擇賣家,然後使用他的電子郵件地址來推廣您商店中的整個產品群組,而不管產品類別如何。在 [篩選內容由] 中選擇賣家的視窗頂部,請在下方輸入賣家電子郵件位址
顯示原始文本 translated automatically33. Now that you have setup your website, time to start promoting it. Open Referred Friends, its a link on the bottom of the Promoter section in the left menu, where you will see 2 further links:
- i) Website Link – its a direct link to your shop, which you can share in the internet
- ii) Broadcast Link – its a link to a registration page on Oziway
33. 現在,您已經設置了您的網站,是時候開始推廣它了。打開「引用好友」,這是左側功能表「促銷員」部分底部的連結,您將看到 2 個附加連結:
- i) 網站連結 – 它是您的商店的直接連結,您可以在網路上共用
- ii) 廣播連結 – 這是指向 Oziway 上註冊頁面的連結
- iii) You can also promote individual products which are not in your website. Go to a product page, and before sending it to someone, add this code (from your Referred Friends application): ?ref=[paste-your-code-here]. If you add that code to a Product and someone opens that Product page and then registers and makes a purchase, that Customer also is added to your Organization and you receive a Commission.
- iii) 您還可以推廣不在您的網站中的單個產品。轉到產品頁面,在將其發送給某人之前,請添加此代碼(來自您的推薦好友應用程式):?ref_粘貼您的代碼。如果將該代碼添加到產品,並且有人打開該產品頁面,然後註冊並進行購買,則該客戶也會添加到您的組織中,您將收到傭金。
顯示原始文本 translated automatically- iv) As an example, if I were to promote this Product (https://oziway.com/products/immunity-pack-monthly-dietary-supplements-set.html) in India, assuming that my code from the Dashboard is “ABC123456789” (this is an incorrect code ofcourse, used only in this example) I would send the link: https://oziway.in/products/immunity-pack-monthly-dietary-supplements-set.html?ref=ABC123456789
- iv) 例如,如果我在印度推廣此產品 (HTTTPs://oziway.com/products/immunity-pack-monthly-dietary-supplements-set.html),假設儀錶板中的代碼是"ABC123456789"(這是一 個不正確的代碼,僅在本示例中使用),我會發送鏈接:HTTPs://oziway.in/products/immunity-pack-monthly-dietary-supplements-set.html?ref=ABC123456789
顯示原始文本 translated automatically34. Anyone that registers in Oziway from your Shop Link or Broadcast link, is added to your Organization. Every future transaction in your organization earns you a commission
35. The OZIWAY system gives you a lot of flexibility to work in today’s changing business environment. You can be a Promoter, or you can be a Seller and a Promoter at the same time. You can add products and then promote them by yourself, by your employees or by other Promoters. If you want your employees or friends to promote your products, just ask them to setup their stores and choose the Content by filtering using your email address as above, or give them your website code and ask them to generate their website based on yours
Good luck with your PROMOTION. If you have any questions, write to us (email, message, chat). We will do everything in our power to help
34. 從您的商店連結或廣播連結在 Oziway 註冊的任何人都將添加到您的組織中。貴組織未來的每一筆交易都能為您賺取傭金
35. OZIWAY 系統為您提供了在當今不斷變化的商業環境中工作的靈活性。您可以成為促銷員,也可以同時成為賣家和促銷員。您可以添加產品,然後由您自己、由員工或其他贊助者推廣。如果您希望員工或朋友推廣您的產品,只需要求他們設置其商店,並通過使用上述電子郵件地址進行篩選來選擇內容,或者向他們提供您的網站代碼,並要求他們根據您的網站生成網站
顯示原始文本 translated automatically 下面您將找到關於不同主題的有趣文章 - 如何開始推廣: 點選此處的連結 - 以複製樣本建立網站:點選此處的連結 - 如何開始銷售: 點選此處的連結 - 如何透過電子郵件新增產品: 點選此處的連結 - Oziway 擁有網站的所有國家/地區的清單: 點選此處的連結 - 一般說明科 : 點選此處的連結 - Oziway 系統的工作原理 : 點選此處的連結 - 能賺多少錢: 點選此處的連結 - 常見問題解答(常見問題): 點選此處的連結 - 如何選擇特定的賣家優惠: 點選此處的連結 - 如何發佈批發產品:點選此處的連結 - 如何從批發產品建立自訂產品:點選此處的連結 - 所有類別的清單(您可以在透過電子郵件發佈產品時使用這個選項:點選此處的連結 - 如何修改您網站上的產品(在註冊期間收到預設網站後):點選此處的連結 - 如果未找到要查找的,如何加入請求:點選此處的連結 - 如何安全地從中國進口: 點選此處的連結您想閱讀有關 Oziway 平臺的更多有趣文章嗎?